Water Recycling Centre influent and effluent data

These datasets show the influent (incoming) and effluent (leaving the site) quality samples from all of our water recycling centres (WRC) with numeric discharge permits from January 2010 onwards. Note that influent data is only given for sites where we have bacterial permits (plus we have also included influent data for sites with “percentage removal” permits in data produced using the revised approach).

This data is formed of the samples taken on site. They are taken by Wessex Water staff (specially trained independent samplers), returned to our laboratories where the tests are completed, then entered onto our scientific systems. This data set is then an extract from that system.

They will be updated annually.

For the datasets from January 2018 onwards, we have revised the approach to extracting the data.  This has resulted in a slightly different set of determinands being available between the older and newer sets, but it’s not a material difference.

Documents giving further information on some of the columns included in the dataset are available – one document for the revised approach, and one document for the previous approach.

Please note that this data is subject to ongoing quality assurance and so minor corrections may be made year on year and therefore the results for a small number of samples may change.

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About this dataset

Last updated
6 weeks ago
  • Treatment works compliance
  • Hampshire Avon phosphorus reduction MP challenge