Sewer collapses performance commitment data

What are performance commitments (PCs)?

The water regulator Ofwat sets targets called performance commitments (PCs) to ensure companies deliver the best possible service for customers, society and the environment. Wessex Water has a range of PCs for the 2020-25 period.

Each year we report our results against these commitments, in our Annual Performance Report.

Where appropriate we’re publishing the data underpinning calculation of the PCs – you can find our other PC datasets in the Performance Commitments section

Sewer collapses PC

We have more than 35,000 kilometres of sewers in our region that transport sewage from homes and businesses to our water recycling centres. Sewers are long life assets that deteriorate slowly, but when the sewer reaches the end of its life a sewer collapse can occur. This risks causing environmental pollution and disruption to customers.

The sewer collapses PCs reports the number of sewer collapse incidents occurring each year that cause an impact on service to customers or the environment. The measure excludes collapses that we proactively identify.

The number of sewer collapse incidents occurring acts as an indicator of the health of the network. Therefore this PC incentivises us to maintain the health of the wastewater network, so that we can provide a consistent service to current and future generations.

Dataset details

The dataset provides details of the sewer collapse incidents contributing to our performance commitment, as per Ofwat’s detailed reporting guidance. In short, this means all incidents where sewer repairs are required to resolve an ongoing customer or environmental incident.

This includes incidents both on gravity sewers (pipes where topography allows the wastewater to flow by gravity) and on rising mains (pressurised pipes that transport wastewater uphill).

This excludes sewer repairs resulting from proactive work or investigations following an incident, where there is no ongoing customer or environmental incident that needs to be resolved.

Column position

Column heading




APR reporting year

The reporting year that this incident contributes towards, e.g. 2020-2021, 2021-2022.



Date raised

The date and time that the requirement for repair was raised in our job tracker system, e.g. 03/06/2020 15:54



Job category

The type of sewer that the incident occurred on. There are two possible entries:

‘Repair collapsed sewer’ indicates an incident that occurred on a gravity sewer.
‘Repair burst rising main’ indicates an incident that occurred on a rising main.



Postcode (anonymised)

The partial postcode of the incident location. For anonymisation reasons, only the postcode area and postcode district are provided e.g. BS23, BA3.


How was this data collated?

When a sewer collapse or rising main burst occurs, operational staff raise a job card to repair the sewer or rising main.  These are recorded in a corporate system. To compile our annual reporting to Ofwat, we extract the details of the relevant incidents into Excel.  The published data set is an extract of this.

Publish frequency

For the remaining years of the 2020-25 period, an additional year of data will be added after the annual reporting period.


If you have any questions or comments about this data set, please get in touch via

Terms of use

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This dataset is licensed under CC BY, an open data licence, to make it freely available to other potential customers, stakeholders or interested organisations.

Our network of sewers transports sewage from homes and businesses to water recycling centres (WRCs). Sewers reaching the end of their life can collapse, risking environmental pollution and disruption to customers. One of our ‘performance commitments’ (targets) aims to minimise the number of sewer collapse incidents occurring each year that impact service to customers or the environment.

About this dataset

Last updated
2 weeks ago
  • Sewer collapses